Archive for month: September, 2019
The 2019 Long-Range Plan for the Lake Louise Ski Resort has been approved! The process which stretches back more than 3 years culminated this week when the Honourable Catherine McKenna, Minister of Environment and Climate Change, officially approved the the LRP (see News Release here). We at BHA congratulate the Locke family, the Lake Louise Ski Resort team, Parks Canada, and all the planners and consultants that have worked tirelessly to make the Vision for the Lake Louise Ski Resort a reality. Charlie Locke, owner and president, summed it up well when he said “This marks a massive accomplishment, and the beginning of an incredibly exciting new chapter for all of us in the LLSR family”. Keep an eye on the Lake Louise Ski Resort in the coming years as projects designed to reduce the ski area’s impact on wildlife, improve the guest’s ski experience, and better showcase the beauty and majesty of Banff National Park start to take shape. For those that are interested, the Long-Range Plan can be found here.
BHA has been involved in the planning and design efforts at the Lake Louise Ski Resort since the early 2000’s and have been with the Long-Range Planning process since the beginning, charged with the on-mountain planning and design of revised and new ski terrain and lifts, GIS database management and data distribution, and the formatting and production of the final Long-Range Plan. We look forward to continuing to work with the LLSR team as the approved projects take shape and the Resort evolves into a global destination through all four seasons.
Contact Us
Brent Harley and Associates, Inc.
4-1005 Alpha Lake Road
Whistler, British Columbia, Canada
V8E 0H5
(604) 932-7002