Today July 7th 2017 is the first day of the 2017 BC Bike Race and BHA staff member Ryan Robertson is currently racing on the trails in Cumberland heading to Powell River! BCBR “The ultimate single track experience” is a corner stone of mountain biking lifestyle. Attracting riders from all across the globe, we are more than proud to have someone from BHA in the action this year! The 7 day race is staged through some of the best mountain biking areas of BC. On Day 2, Ryan will be racing in Powell River. As we just wrapped up the Powell River Regional District Regional Trails Plan in the Spring, it will be exciting for him to experienced these trails! We will be waiting for Ryan on Day 7 in Whistler, where the riders will be racing through the trails just behind our office. Looking forward to cheer him up to the final sections of the race!
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[…] (and skilled!) mountain bikers. Whether racing in world-class events, such as the BC Bike Race (Ryan Robertson, GIS Specialist), working to repair and improve our local trail network (Sue Clark, Office Manager), or developing […]
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