The Canada West Ski Areas Association hosted its 51st Spring Conference in Whistler, April 24 – 26. Over the three days attendees were able to participate in a range of workshops, view a wide range of presentations, and socialize with representatives of ski areas from across western Canada (detailed agenda available here, presentations available to CWSAA members here).

BHA was excited to contribute to the success of the Conference, with President Brent Harley and Kyle Vash (Planner/GIS Specialist) participating in the New Trends & Planning for Summer Operations session. Brent acted as the moderator for the session, which also included Kris Hawryluik (Big White) and Steve Bailey (Revelstoke Mountain Resort), while Kyle presented an overview of the planning process behind the development of summer and all-season recreation activities. Kyle’s presentation used BHA’s past planning experiences in all-season recreation planning as a foundation, showcasing our work with the Big White Bike Park, the Sea to Sky Gondola, Castle Mountain Resort, and many others. Feedback from attendees indicates that the session was a resounding success, and all went away with a better understanding of what is needed to plan for and implement all-season recreation activities.

BHA looks forward to the 52nd CWSAA Conference in 2020 and working to build a strong and vibrant mountain resort industry across western Canada and beyond.
If you are looking to expand or improve the summer and all-season recreation activities at your resort or recreation area, please feel free to contact us to discuss how BHA can help you achieve your desired results (bha@brentharley.com or 604-932-7002)