The BHA team was in the middle of the action in the beautiful Nakusp and Area K region last week. Our team met up with the local communities for lively open houses in Burton, Edgewood and the Village of Nakusp.  The public consultation process was well attended and we are looking forward to seeing the project come together.  Local newspaper reporter Jillian Trainor wrote that, “Those who attended the meeting were impressed with both the showing and information given out.” 

For the full article:

These workshops are part of the Nakusp and Arrow Lakes Trails Master Plan. BHA was selected in the Fall of 2016 to work on this great community project.

For those who live in the region, we encourage you to become part of the process and complete the survey, which will remain open until March 24th, 2017.

Link to the Trails Master Plan Open House Survey

Hiking to the historic Hot Springs Source. Photo: Andrew Strain