Snoqualmie Riverwalk Masterplan


BHA was engaged to develop the Snoqualmie Riverwalk Master Plan by the City of Snoqualmie, Washington. The objective of the plan was to identify and describe the various tourist amenities within the city while exploring new linkages and development possibilities, and recognizing the City’s strong artistic identity.  The community is intent on attracting the approximately 1.5 million tourists that visit the Snoqualmie Falls (north of the City Centre) every year. Following a community visioning session, the Snoqualmie River was identified as a significantly undeveloped asset.  As such, BHA began the process of identifying potential linkages to the Falls, existing tourist amenities, riverwalk construction options, opportunities and constraints.

Additional options including alternative forms of transit, parking and potential new tourist attractions were explored. Ultimately, the Master Plan focuses on flood-friendly development that pays special attention to the abundant riparian area surrounding the historic downtown.  The plan defines opportunities for the creation of additional public spaces, the integration of permanent and temporal public art, pedestrian and cycling friendly development (trails), downtown rejuvenation and a re-alignment of the city’s tourist identity to focus on the Snoqualmie River. Informed by sustainable design principles developed by BHA, the Riverwalk Master Plan will create and enhance a number of amenities for the local community and provide a unique riverwalk-based tourist experience.

Project Details

Client: City of Snoqualmie


GIS and Mapping

3D Visualization

Trails Planning

Sustainable Design

Tourism Planning

I’m still getting great feedback on the Riverwalk presentation.  The chair of our economic development commission said this morning that it was the most exciting, visionary plan she has seen for the City!
Nancy TuckerDirector, Planning