
BHA would like to congratulate one of our staff on a 2017 CSLA Award of Excellence! Alix MacKay was part of the team that developed the Outdoor PLAYbook, a key resource for Canadian schools and communities looking to develop outdoor play and learning environments. The Award of Excellence was given in the category of communications. Alix worked as Project Coordinator for the project, writing content, communicating with stakeholders, and helping to create the graphic identity for the website. The Outdoor PLAYbook team was comprised of researchers from the University of British Columbia (from the School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture, the Faculty of Education, and the Faculty of Medicine), as well as members of the Vancouver School Board. The team worked closely with parents, teachers, and local design practitioners on the development of the website and accompanying resources.

Read more in this month’s issue of Landscapes | Paysages.

Want to see more? Check out the Outdoor PLAYbook website.